First Lady Jill Biden & the Duchess of Cambridge Discuss Importance of Early Childhood Education

Today, First Lady Jill Biden and Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, visited a classroom of young learners to see firsthand the importance of high-quality early education opportunities for children from birth through age five. Both the Duchess and the First Lady have championed the benefits and importance of quality developmental experiences and supports in the first years of life, which are pivotal to a child’s future success in school and life.
“It’s very important to the foundation. As a teacher at the upper levels, if they don’t have a good foundation they fall so far behind,” the First Lady said, referencing her career as a college professor. The long-term benefits of quality early childhood education experiences are undeniable.
They also discussed the “importance of providing adequate support for parents and children alike during early childhood, and the positive impact that this can have across society.” Access to quality, affordable early learning and care is critical to the future of children not just here in the U.S. but around the world.
The Biden administration has put child care and early learning at the center of its agenda, including critical relief and supports in the American Rescue Plan, and proposed historic reforms and investments through the American Families Plan, which includes a sweeping reform proposal to significantly and sustainably expand access to and the quality of child care & early learning in America.
This type of visit is not unique for the Duchess as she has made early learning a major priority over the past several years. As both mothers and advocates, Dr. Biden and the Duchess of Cambridge understand that a child’s experiences in early childhood can impact the trajectory of the rest of her life, making this a critical period for learning and growth.
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