FY2024 Funding Bill Includes $1 Billion Increase for Federal Early Learning and Child Care Programs

The newly announced spending package for FY24 contains $1 billion in increased funding for programs that provide the foundation for child care and early learning. The following is a statement from First Five Years Fund Executive Director Sarah Rittling on this news:
“This clear prioritization by Congress shows that Members on both sides of the aisle understand the essential role these programs play in the lives of millions of children and their families. It also underscores the impact these programs have on supporting a robust workforce and economy. We are grateful that lawmakers continue to invest in the foundation of America’s child care and early learning programs.
“Appropriators continue to face a tough fiscal environment, and we celebrate the news that the Committee was able to come together to increase funding for programs that support millions of Americans. The Child Care and Development Block Grant (or CCDBG) will see an increase of $725 million, while Head Start and Early Head Start will see an increase of $275 million. Additionally, the bill maintains funding for the important Preschool Development Grant B-5 program; this program is essential in supporting state efforts to make child care and early learning systems as effective and efficient as possible.
“We are especially thankful for the bipartisan leadership of Senators Murray, Collins, Baldwin, and Capito and Reps. Granger, DeLauro, and Aderholt for coming together to support our federal early learning and care programs. One of the biggest commitments lawmakers can make to helping working families and employers is by investing in child care and early learning. As Congress pivots to FY2025, we look forward to continuing our work to grow bipartisan support for child care and early learning.”
The early learning and child care community’s request to Appropriators for FY2025, including a full list of signers, can be found here.
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