U.S. Chamber Report Highlights Potential for Businesses to Engage in Early Learning Discussions

In addition to the proven benefits of early learning for children, access to affordable, reliable, and high-quality early learning and care provides working families with better job stability and overall economic security. Increasingly, business leaders recognize that supporting early learning and care options is a critical component of employee effectiveness. Seeing this interest from the business community, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation released a report that uses data and research from surveys, focus groups, and interviews to highlight strategies for effective partnerships between business leaders and early childhood advocates.
The report uses the Chamber Foundation’s qualitative and quantitative data to suggest three specific strategies for business leaders and early learning advocates to rely on as they build partnerships.
First, the report recommends businesses and advocates align their language to create a common understanding about the broad topic of early learning and care. For instance, business leaders may perceive “early childhood education” as being different than “child care” while advocates use them interchangeably.
Additionally, the report recommends understanding the common interests for advocates and business leaders such as supporting working parents.
Finally, the report found the importance of finding common messages with a clear focus.
Advocates should leverage the messages that resonate most with business leaders, such child care and early learning as investments in employee recruitment and retention, as they begin working relationships.
To see the Chamber Foundation’s complete report and read specific case studies click here.
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