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CCDBG State Fact Sheet References

These references correlate with the 2023 CCDBG State Fact Sheets:

  1. Census
  2. Census
  3. Office of Child Care (OCC), “FY2020 CCDF Preliminary Data Tables”
  4. Administration for Children and Families (ACF), “FY 2020 Preliminary Data Table 9 – Average Monthly Percentages of Children in Care by Age Group”
  5. ACF, “FY 2020 Preliminary Data Table 7- Number of Child Care Providers Receiving CCDF Funds”
  6. OCC, “GY2021 CCDF Allocations (Based on
  7. Appropriations)”
  8. Ibid.
  9. OCC, “CARES Act CCDBG Supplemental Funding Allocations for States and Territories”
  10. OCC, “Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA) of 2021 Allocations for States and Territories”
  11. OCC, “American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Supplemental Stabilization and CCDF Discretionary Funding Allocation Tables for States and Territories”
  12. ACF, “TANF Financial Data – FY2021”
  13. OCC, “FY 2019 Preliminary Data Table 1”, OCC, “FY 2019 Preliminary Data Table 9”, Center for American Progress (CAP), “Early Learning in the United States: 2021”, Census, “2019 ACS 1-Year Estimates Population Under 18 Years by Age”
  14. CAP, “Early Learning in the United States: 2021”
  15. ACF, “ECE State Profiles” Data from 2019
  16. Ibid.
  17. United States Women’s Bureau, National Database of Child Care Prices
  18. United States Women’s Bureau, “National Database of Childcare Prices”
  19. Market rate surveys (MRS), which must be completed every three years, examine the fees that child care providers charge for services in the priced market.
  20. CAP, “States Can Improve Child Care Assistance Programs Through Cost Modeling”
  21. ACF, “Child Care Stabilization Funding State Fact Sheets”
  22. CSCCE

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