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Dependent Care Assistance Program


Bipartisan Agreement on the Importance of Child Care Access and Affordability in Senate Finance Hearing

July 11, 2024

The Senate Finance Committee held a hearing this week to discuss ways to leverage Congressional investments in early learning and child care to better support working families and child care …


FFYF Capsule Collection: Tax Policy and Child Care

June 7, 2024

Millions of American families today are struggling to find the affordable, reliable, quality child care they depend on to go to work. This has a devastating impact on our youngest …


FFYF & Bipartisan Pre-K and Child Care Caucus Host “Child Care Means Business” Event

June 6, 2024

On June 4th, First Five Years Fund, in conjunction with the Bipartisan Pre-K and Child Care Caucus, hosted lawmakers, bipartisan Congressional staffers, and early learning advocates for a “Child Care …


Side-By-Side: Comparing Tax Bills, 2024

May 14, 2024

The federal tax code contains benefits designed to help working families offset the expense of child care. Unfortunately, these provisions have not been updated in decades. Today, they have not …


The First Five Things to Know About: The Child Care Investment Act 2023

April 8, 2024

Millions of working families with young children need quality child care, but affordable, reliable options can be hard to find. Without it, many parents are forced to miss work or …


Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP): Overview

March 6, 2024

Millions of American families are struggling to find quality, reliable, affordable child care they can depend on. This is having a devastating impact on our youngest learners, working families, and …


Tax Policy and Child Care

February 1, 2024

Overview Strong funding is essential to strengthening child care in the United States, but updating provisions of the federal tax code is also an important part of the solution. Unfortunately, …


Federal Tax Provisions That Support Child Care

November 29, 2023

American families depend on affordable, reliable, quality child care to go to work – but this care is often hard to find and too costly. These challenges have a tremendous …


The First Five Things To Know About: The Federal Tax Code and Child Care

September 12, 2023

Millions of American families are struggling to find the affordable, reliable, quality child care they depend on to go to work. This has a devastating impact on our youngest learners, …


Build Back Better Act: Child Care in the House Ways and Means Committee Package

September 16, 2021

As part of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda with proposals to create jobs, cut taxes, and lower costs for working families, the House and Senate are considering the Build …


Two Bipartisan Bills to Address Quality, Affordability of Child Care introduced in Congress

March 30, 2021

Last week, Iowa’s Congressional leaders introduced two bipartisan bills, the ACCESS Act and the Improving Child Care for Working Families Act, to address the quality and affordability of child care. …

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