Members of Congress Urge Negotiators to Prioritize Child Care in Recovery Package

In a new letter lead by Representative Haley Stevens (D-MI), 26 members of the House of Representatives are calling for child care to be prioritized in the final recovery package. The signers, which include a majority of frontline House Democrats, as that, “child care providers and families receive the support they need to survive the pandemic.”
Child care remains the backbone of our nation’s economy, serving over 11 million families across a broad socioeconomic spectrum. These families rely on a safe, nurturing environment for their children as caregivers work. If safe, licensed child care providers do not receive the resources they need to operate for America’s families, they will be forced to close their doors
permanently, leaving working parents stranded in the middle of a pandemic. Desperate parents who must return to work may be forced to seek alternative arrangements, which are unsafe for families.
This follows multiple letters sent to leadership this week from both Republicans and Democrats urging Congress to address the ongoing child care crisis caused by the economic devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read the full text of the letter below.
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