
2022 Voter and Small Business Polling Memo
On behalf of First Five Years Fund, Hart Research (D) and New Bridge Strategy (R) recently completed national polling among voters and small business leaders on the effects of child …

2022 Voter Polling Fact Sheet
While voter motivations behind the outcomes of the 2022 midterm elections will be hotly debated over the coming weeks and months, a national poll commissioned by the First Five Years …

2022 Small Business Polling Fact Sheet
Voters from both sides of the aisle understand the essential role that child care plays in the success of our economy, and expect Congress and the White House to work …

2022 Voter and Small Business Polling Deck
Overwhelming Demand From Voters and Small Businesses for Federal Investments in Child Care:Findings from national survey of voters and small business owners, November 2022

2021 State Fact Sheets: Examining the Impact and Unmet Need of Federal & State ECE Funding
FFYF has released the latest iteration of its annual state fact sheets, which draw on numerous data sources to offer details about the early childhood opportunities in each state made …

FY22 Early Learning and Care Appropriations Letters
The annual appropriations process is an important time for legislators to determine their priorities for the next fiscal year. Congress uses this process to allocate funding for federal programs, activities …

FFYF Releases State Fact Sheets, Highlighting Unique Local Landscapes
This summer, FFYF released updated state fact sheets, which draw on numerous data sources to offer details about the early childhood opportunities in each state made possible through federal and state …

Updated Fact Sheets Show Opportunities for States
On Monday, the Center for American Progress (CAP) released their 2019 Early Learning Fact Sheets which provide an overview of early learning in each state. As in previous years, CAP’s …
New Report Highlights State Implementation of “Essential Elements” for High-Quality Pre-K
This week the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) released an analysis of 59 public pre-k programs in 44 states and the District of Columbia. NIEER’s report relied on …
New Grant to Support Increasing Access to High-Quality Child Care
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) today announced the receipt of a $1 million, one-year grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to support a unique multi-organizational advocacy and …
States Show Tremendous Interest in PDG B-5 at Chicago Meeting
Earlier this month, the BUILD Initiative, the Alliance for Early Success, EducationCounsel, NIEER, and the Ounce of Prevention Fund coordinated a meeting in Chicago, IL to provide information and assistance …

Video: This is Jo
Meet Jo. Jo is a four-year-old who is pushing her limits every day by challenging her senses and learning more about the world around her through high-quality early childhood education.