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Voters are united in their desire for early childhood education to remain a priority for policymakers in Congress and the administration.

Here are 5 things to know about voter support for child care and early learning programs.

  1. 86% of voters agree that improving the quality of child care and early learning programs and making them more affordable for families is a good investment of taxpayer money.
  2. And these voters want action. An overwhelming majority of voters across the political spectrum say that federal funding for child care and early learning programs should be increased, including 88% of Democrats and 62% of Republicans.
  3. 78% of business owners agree that their businesses would be on stronger footing if employees had better access to affordable, quality child care.
  4. Voters support increasing federal funding to states to expand current programs that directly help low-income children (also known as the Child Care & Development Block Grant, or CCDBG) –78% support (including 68% of Republicans and 89% of Democrats.)
  5. Voters also support increasing the tax credit specifically designed to help working parents offset the cost of child care (also known as the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit, or CDCTC) –78% support (Including 73% of Republicans and 86% of Democrats.)

Click here for the latest polling! 

Learn more:


Fact Sheet: September 2021 National Poll

October 7, 2021

As Congress considers the Build Back Better Act, voters overwhelmingly support a significant, sustained investment in child care and preschool, which they view as a good investment of taxpayer dollars. …


Social Media Graphics: September 2021 National Poll on Child Care & Preschool Support

October 7, 2021

As Congress considers the Build Back Better Act, voters overwhelmingly support a significant, sustained investment in child care and preschool, which they view as a good investment of taxpayer dollars. …


NEW POLL: Overwhelming Bipartisan Support for Child Care and Early Learning Proposals — With No Political Risk for Lawmakers

September 21, 2021

WASHINGTON — Today, the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) released the findings of a new poll of registered voters in five key Senate states and 40 Congressional districts, conducted by …


September 2021 Poll: Full Results Deck

September 21, 2021

For decades, child care and early learning have been domestic priorities that earn bipartisan voter support and inspire meaningful cooperation across the aisle on Capitol Hill, even when faced with …


September 2021 Poll: Fact Sheet

September 21, 2021

As recent economic turmoil exacerbated decades-long child care challenges facing working parents, voters increasingly recognize the essential role that child care plays in the success of our economy. Ahead of …


Republican Voters Support Early Learning & Child Care Proposals

May 6, 2021

On the heels of the release of the American Families Plan, which includes a proposed $225 billion for reforms and investment in child care funding, $220 billion to expand voluntary …


2021 Policy Poll: Social Media Graphics

January 29, 2021

There is overwhelming bipartisan support among voters nationally and in key electoral swing states for a wide range of federal early learning and care policy proposals that already have the …


NEW POLL: Widespread Bipartisan Support for Early Learning and Child Care Policy Proposals

January 29, 2021

Republican and Democratic Voters Alike See Child Care and Early Learning as Smart Policy and Smart Politics WASHINGTON – Today, the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) released the findings of …


2021 Policy Poll: Fact Sheet

January 29, 2021

There is overwhelming bipartisan support among voters nationally and in key electoral swing states for a wide range of federal early learning and care policy proposals that already have the …


2021 National Poll: Full Results Deck

January 29, 2021

The results of FFYF’s latest national poll show that a broad coalition of national and swing state voters overwhelmingly support a number of specific proposals related to early learning and …


ECE in 2020: A Year in Review

December 21, 2020

2020 has certainly been a year like no other, dominated in large part by the immense challenges and heartache stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. The devastating impact on the nation’s …


2020 National Poll: Fact Sheet

September 24, 2020

The Coronavirus pandemic has opened voters’ eyes to the importance of child care for families—and the economy. Now voters are ready for sweeping federal action. The results of a new …

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